Janitors Union Warned CPS, Aramark About Job Cuts
By Chuck Sudo in News on Oct 1, 2014 8:30PM
Hospitality corporation Aramark reversed its course slightly on laying off 468 janitors tasked with cleaning Chicago Public Schools buildings by the end of September, but that hasn’t stopped the union representing custodians from telling Aramark and CPS, “I told you so.”
Tom Balanoff of SEIU Local 1 informed his rank and file Tuesday that the most senior 178 janitors would keep their jobs, while the remaining 290 would be able to work until the end of October before having to find new work. Balanoff said a report by CPS principals showing the declining cleanliness of their schools since Aramark was awarded a $260 million contract in February was a determining factor in Aramark’s change of heart. He also acknowledged things have gotten better since the reports were first published. Aramark denies the report had anything to do with their reversal.
Aramark has promised technological upgrades to ensure each school has appropriate staffing to maintain cleanliness. Still, some principals maintain the 290 custodians who will lose their jobs are too many, with flu season approaching.
If you want to get an idea of how dire the situation was at some schools, the Sun-Times has a photo provided by a school principal that we recommend those with weak constitutions view on empty stomachs.
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