Garrett Popcorn Settles 'Chicago Mix' Lawsuit
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Dec 18, 2014 5:35PM
Garrett Popcorn has settled a lawsuit filed by a Minnesota confectioner over the use of the term “Chicago Mix” to describe its iconic caramel and cheese popcorn blend.
The St. Paul, Minnesota-based Candyland filed trademark infringement lawsuits against Garrett and two other companies in August. Candyland owner Brenda Lamb said she made the effort to trademark the term and would be vigilant in her efforts to protect it. Garrett has run afoul of Lamb before and a Garrett spokesman said the company was slowly phasing out the “Chicago Mix” name in favor of “Garrett Mix.”
Under the terms of the settlement, Garrett may not market its mix as “Chicago Mix” for sale across the country. (You can, however, enter any Garrett, ask for it as “Chicago Mix” and employees will know what you’re talking about.)
Garrett Popcorn Sued Over Use Of 'Chicago Mix' Name