Knope Out: Parts And Labor Celebrate Final Season Of 'Parks And Recreation'
By Katie Karpowicz in Food on Jan 12, 2015 9:30PM
Call us paranoid, but we're pretty sure Logan Square's Parts and Labor has access to our DVRs. The Chicagoist favorite won our hearts last year with a Bob's Burgers-inspired brunch (which was later expanded into a "Bartoon Brunch" which features a variety of similar cartoons). Now they're giving us the "bon voyage" that one of our favorite network comedies deserves.
Starting tomorrow, NBC will begin rushing the final season of Parks and Recreation out the back door faster than Ron Swanson can down a pound of bacon. The seventh season will wrap just six weeks after its premiere thanks to back-to-back episodes airing every Tuesday night.
Parts and Labor will be paying tribute to Leslie Knope and Co.'s swift exit with weekly screenings of the finale episodes and Parks and Rec-themed drink specials. Yes, the burger bar will be serving its own interpretation of Tom Haverford's dangerously potent Snake Juice.
How have Ben and Leslie managed to balance their careers and the triplets? Is Tom's Bistro still a success? Just how many double cheeseburgers can you consume during two 30-minute TV slots?
Answers to come at Parts and Labor tomorrow night starting at 7 p.m.