Get Your Curl On At Kaiser Tiger
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Jan 19, 2015 9:00PM

Photo credit: Chris Latchford/Kaiser Tiger
Curling is one of those sports that captures the attention of Americans whenever the Winter Olympics come around. For a couple weeks we’re captivated as we watch teams push rocks on an icy floor while sweeping clear anything that may cause the rock to veer from its path.
As a sport, curling is simultaneously unique and goofy, and people everywhere say to themselves after the Olympics are over, “I’d like to try some ice shuffleboard.”
Well, now you can. Kaiser Tiger, best known for its massive beer selection and "beer and bacon" pairings, has turned its beer garden into a curling rink for the winter. Co-owner Chris Latchford cited last year's brutal winter as the impetus. "We thought if you can't beat winter, join it," Latchford said.
Making some money for a part of the restaurant that normally goes into hibernation during the winter is another. Much like how Parson's Chicken & Fish has tried to turn its outdoor patio into an ice skating rink (and the thought of hipsters skating around with Negroni slushies and fried chicken frightens us), the curling rinks put Kaiser Tiger's beer garden to use when we're dressed in layers. Thirty minutes of play will run you $15, while the restaurant will serve hot cider, whiskey and make-your-own bacon s'mores by the fire pit.
Here's a video primer on the sport, so you don't start wantonly throwing rocks around.
Kaiser Tiger is located at 1415 W. Randolph St.