The Week That Was: Bad Adult Behavior All Around
By Anthony Burke Boylan in News on Feb 15, 2015 10:00PM
This week we discovered you can encounter horrible people at Blackhawks games, when a group of adults heckled members of the Jackie Robinson West team as they tried to put boundaries and whistleblowers out of their mind while enjoying a Friday night hockey game.
Let’s recap. Grownups heckling children children currently undergoing a heartbreaking experience the type of heartbreaking experience that, if applied to a pro or college team those grownups support, would cause charges of unfairness and man tears for a decade.
Congratulations, you’ve taken the focus off Evergreen Park whistleblower Chris Janes as one of the villains of this story. Now please go back to your man cave in LaGrange and find a clue buried among the Hawks and Bears snuggies, t-shirts and stadium blankets you have strewn about.
We’ve also learned that horrible people don’t much care for shoveling snow. The latest developments in the winter that will heretofore be known as Dibsghazi and has been covered as far away as the U.K. has culprits blowing up the car of a Logan Square woman and cutting the brakes on a car belonging to a Ukrainian Village woman. To recap: Grownups upset about snow, in a winter that hasn’t even had that much snow, blew up one car and performed potentially fatal tampering on another, endangering women who by all accounts are not involved with drug cartels, human trafficking rings, nor anything as remotely awful as “50 Shades of Grey.’’
One bright spot against what can only be called the Dibslamic State is Jamie Lynn Ferguson, the official poster child of the anti-Dibs movement. The Humboldt Park woman who took a day off work and shoveled her WHOLE FREAKING STREET to end the horrific urban nightmare that is dibs—and shame every person on the block at the same time. (Editor's Note: Ferguson undertook this endeavor last year. Check out our interview with her here.)
Ms. Ferguson deserves a blizzard of kudos for her selfless act of urban philanthropy— or at least the chance to make a few bucks off some kind of snow shoveling bootcamp workout regimen.
The arts community also pitched in to help document the madness with an installation built from an entire block’s worth of dibs junk. It fell a little short of Spindle, but hey, I’m no art critic.
Okay, so back to horrible people: The Chicago area is in the midst of a measles outbreak, and Jay Cutler's kids are reportedly rubella-free on a beach somewhere; Bruce Rauner is still our governor; the CTA’s incompetence is exceeded only by the weakness of the sniveling, social media whiners who use it; Uber's drivers are so dangerous the app now will come with a panic button for when you just don't have time to dial both the nine AND the eleven; and our mayor is so disliked the Reader endorsed anyone BUT him.
And that was the week that was.
"The Week That Was'' is a satirical, yet informative, look back at recent news. We consider it to be mostly accurate.