Get Published By Curbside Splendor
By Gina Provenzano in Arts & Entertainment on Feb 18, 2015 7:40PM
Are you working on the next great Chicago novel? Maybe you have a harrowing memoir in the works or a collection of poetry? Now’s the time to share your story and get published by one of Chicago’s top independent presses. Curbside Splendor, the Humboldt Park-based publisher, is accepting manuscripts now through March 31.
Submissions must be classified as a novel, collections of short stories, essays or poetry and be accompanied by a cover letter to be considered. Curbside typically publishes between 15 and 20 books a year and most recently published Jillian by Halle Butler. To get familiar with all their recent works before attempting to become one of their authors on roster, check out their online store.
If you have a shorter piece in the works, don’t be discouraged. The press is always accepting works of fiction, nonfiction, poetry and photography for their online magazine.