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Don't Forget—Bike The Drive Takes Over Lake Shore Drive This Sunday

By Rachel Cromidas in News on May 22, 2015 4:15PM

Bicyclists enjoy a car-free Lake Shore Drive during Bike the Drive 2014. (Photo credit: Joshua Mellin)

The annual traffic-stopping cycling fundraiser, Bike the Drive, is back this Sunday. That means Lake Shore Drive will be closed to four-wheeled, motorized vehicles between Bryn Mawr Avenue in Edgewater and 57th Street in Hyde Park.

Only human-powered vehicles are allowed on this ride, which is an annual fundraiser for the local green transportation advocacy group Active Transportation Alliance. The Drive will be open for registered cyclists to hop on between 5:30 a.m. and 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning at several access points along the 15-mile route.

It's not too late to join the ride. The price to sign up now is $52 for adults and the day-of registration fee is $63. If you don't have a registration number, packet and helmet, you won't be allowed onto the Drive according to the event's guidelines.

There will also be a post-ride festival at Butler Field in Grant Park.