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Get Caffeinated This Weekend With Coffee Crawl And Coffee Fest

By Melissa McEwen in Food on Jun 3, 2015 7:20PM

Latte Art World Championship at Coffee Fest Seattle 2013 (GoToVan/CC)

If you're a caffeine fanatic, there is plenty for you to enjoy this week. Join the Caffeine Crawl this Thursday or Friday to explore some of Chicago's best coffee and tea shops, from Bad Wolf to Dollop and everywhere in between. Some of the routes also include places not typically open to the public like Sparrow Coffee, so this is an experience you won't want to miss out on if you're a coffee or tea fan.

A bonus is your Caffeine Crawl comes with a discount to Coffee Fest, an industry event where the world of coffee and tea and everything that surrounds it shows off their wares at Navy Pier from June 5 to 7. Even if you aren't heading to one of the Caffeine Crawls, you can grab a ticket to the Fest for only $30. Don't miss watching baristas compete for the Latte Art World Championship, which you can watch at 9:00 a.m. on Friday, 10:00 a.m. on Saturday and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday.