Extra Extra: Woman Claims Brother Had 'Relationship' With Hastert While In High School
Jolene Burdge was interviewed by the FBI regarding the allegations her brother had sexual contact with Dennis Hastert while the young man was in high school. Though Burdge's brother passed in 1995 she said he told her about the relationship before he died. [WGN]
Have an issue with Mumford & Sons? We mean the concert the band has planned for June 17 at Cricket Hill near Montrose Beach. There's a community meeting Tuesday night. You might recall resident uproar caused the canceling of Wavefront Music Fest at the same spot last year. [DNAinfo Chicago]
A school custodian at Alan Shepard Elementary School in Bourbonnais, Illinois was the "most popular" after 50-plus second graders lined up to get their yearbooks signed by him on Friday. [WGN]
A Chicago "comedic rapper" by the name of White Chedda wants to take on "Chelsea Dagger" and create a new anthem for the Blackhawks. He's got a pretty cool story too. [DNAinfo Chicago]
Apparently we still give a crap about "Poopgate," the infamous incident when a bus driver for the Dave Matthews Band dumped 800 pounds of human waste into the Chicago River and onto passersby of an architectural tour. A #NeverForget sign has gone up at the site. [RedEye]
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