Jimmy's Back! In The Smashing Pumpkins, That Is
By Tankboy in Arts & Entertainment on Jun 24, 2015 7:30PM
File under least surprising news we've heard in a while. Jimmy Chamberlin, the once and future drummer for The Smashing Pumpkins, is back in Billy Corgan's good graces and back behind the kit for the band's summer tour with Marilyn Manson.
After Chamberlin's departure from the group in 2009, the Smashing Pumpkins drum stool has been occupied buy a number of pretenders, including Chamberlin mimic Mike Byrne and dick-driving boatsman Tommy Lee. But like we said, pretenders to the throne.
Two things have made The Smashing Pumpkins music stand out over the years. Corgan's Boston-style production and overdriven guitar work (and we mean both those descriptions as true compliments, because, amazing) and Chamberlin's ability to write jazz drum lines that hit like heavy metal while bobbing and weaving around the composition of Corgan's intricate songs.
There's only one drummer for The Smashing Pumpkins, and Chamberlin is it. Still no word on what James Iha or D'arcy Wretzky are doing during their summer vacations though.