Bucktown Nightclub Koncrete Is Being Closed Over Recent Shooting
By Mae Rice in News on Dec 23, 2015 6:11PM
Police have temporarily shut down a licensed Bucktown club, Koncrete Nightclub, after a nearby shooting this weekend in which a 21-year-old woman was shot in the head and died.
The shooting, which took place at 3:50 a.m. on Sunday in the 1400 block of West Wabansia Avenue, also left a 23-year-old man injured from a shot to the leg.
Police shut down the club, located at 1675 N. Elston Ave., with a recently-passed Summary Closure ordinance.
Officials passed it because they deemed Koncrete a public safety threat. This weekend's shooting was part of a pattern of violence from club patrons that dates back to November 2013; the owner strives to conceal the pattern, officials said, rather than fight it.
According to the police statement:
An investigation of the incident [this weekend] revealed that the establishment’s owner had knowledge that all of the parties to this altercation had been inside the club prior to its migration to the street. The owner failed to report this information to authorities and also neglected to request emergency medical attention. Additionally, the establishment’s owner placed 911 calls with the intent to deflect attention from the establishment as the origin of the conflict.
On Yelp, Koncrete Nightclub (called Club Koncrete on the site) has three reviews and 1.5 stars.
"The location is in a very empty strip of factory area, " said one very thorough review, which was 500+ words and had subheadings. "The only other open business being a gas station."
The reviewer added that security was so tight that she was not allowed to bring in a pair of flats.