Proof That Chicagoans Are Better At Winter Than Everyone Else
By Mae Rice in News on Dec 30, 2015 4:50PM
A San Francisco-based startup has confirmed with user data what we all knew in our hearts: Chicago is hardier than other cities when it comes to snow. We are a stoic people. In a pinch, we could probably all burrow through a wall of snow, Homer-disappearing-into-a-bush style, without complaint.
The startup in question here, Thumbtack, is an online marketplace sort of like TaskRabbit, which matches consumers with services in their price range—including private snowplow services.
In the graph below, posted on the Thumbtack blog, the team looked at how many inches of snow it took to bring in requests for private snowplowing. Chicago came in second only to Buffalo, New York—it took 8.8 inches of snow to get us to call for help.
Here’s the full graph from Thumbtack:
It also probably helps that the city owns a ton of snow plows. But the main takeaway is that we are sturdy Midwesterners, and could totally take everyone in Springfield, Massachusetts. They call after just 0.67 inches of snow, like nerds!
[h/t DNAInfo Chicago]