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Rahm's Old Bud Rauner Says He Would Sign Mayoral Recall Bill

By Mae Rice in News on Jan 4, 2016 11:00PM

Rahm and Rauner at a funeral last year. (Photo by Chris Walker-Pool/Getty Images)
Back in December, state representative La Shawn Ford introduced a bill that would allow voters to recall Mayor Rahm Emanuel—and now, Gov. Bruce Rauner has said he would sign it.

According to the Sun-Times:

"Rauner told reporters he would sign a bill allowing Chicago voters to recall their mayor from office if it reaches his desk.

The governor also said he was 'very disappointed' in Emanuel and Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez over their handling of Chicago police misconduct cases."

This news feels shocking, both because Rauner is so stingy with his signature on more pressing legislation—such as, say, the state budget—and because he and Rahm have gone on family vacations together. But that was then.