'Recall Rahm Penpal Club' Brings Postcards, Whimsy To Mayoral Recall Effort
By Mae Rice in News on Jan 15, 2016 9:28PM
For $2, you can snail-mail Mayor Rahm Emanuel a piece of your mind—or an artist rendering of a middle finger.
That’s thanks to the “Recall Rahm Penpal Club.” Pay up, and the artist behind the project will put a message of your choosing on a postcard and mail it off to Rahm.
Suggested messages include “RESIGN RAHM,” “NOT MY MAYOR,” and a wordless drawing of a middle finger. Buyers can also send a custom message all their own.
Though buyers don’t ever see their postcards in real life, they do receive a photo of their postcard, which they can share on social media.
Local artist Bae Cutler, who signed the online shop’s sample postcard, is the artist behind the whole endeavor. On Instagram, Cutler says, “This is not a drill! Protest the mayor via postcards! Make Rahm your penpal for the year!”
Cutler’s government name is David Beltran, according to DNAInfo.