The Candy Cane-Striped Divvy Bike Is Back For Annual #HOLIDIVVY Contest
By Stephen Gossett in News on Nov 28, 2016 9:48PM
City of Chicago
Each year since 2013, Divvy—that’s Chicago’s bikeshare program, of course—gets into the holiday spirit and, at the same time, gives would-be members a shot at free membership. Yes, we’re talking about the return of our favorite goofball portmanteau this side of “staycation”: the candy cane-colored #HOLIDIVVY is back.
The City of Chicago and CDOT announced on Monday that the striped, one-of-a-kind holiday bike is back in rotation. If you see it, snap a photo and post your shot on Instagram or Twitter (with hashtag #HOLIDIVVY), you’ll be eligible to win a free yearlong Divvy membership. Five winners will be announced, and the holiday cruiser will be in circulation through December. If you win, you can either keep or gift the membership prize.
To be honest, though, the reason we really dig the Holiday Divvy is because it doubles as reminder that the bike lanes don’t fold in on themselves once the calendar flips to November. Winter bike riding is some of the best bike riding there is (as long as you prepare), and that includes bikeshare rides. They are built like a armored military vehicles to survive just this kind of season, to be sure.
The bikeshare program also has a handful of decent, Cyber Monday-timed deals that are running through Dec. 2. You can check those out here.