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Video: Trump Has TV Volume Cranked During Empire Jingle On Air Force One

By Stephen Gossett in News on Jan 27, 2017 12:03AM

Right up there with Curtis Mayfield, Liz Phair or early Kanye, the Empire Today jingle is one of the most iconically "Chicago" pieces of music there is. So it's with great pleasure that we present the perfect cosmic-joke video below: Donald Trump, Chicago-hater-in-chief, blasting the classic "800-588-2300, Em-pire!" earworm on his very first flight on Air Force One.

The video comes via CNN as the network broke live to Trump's first presidential flight. Like some modern-day Chauncey Gardiner, he was of course engaged in his favorite pastime, liking to watch—with the volume at full-on your-grandfather levels. What was he watching? Well, we know Trump loves Fox News, since the most recent time he @'ed Chicago the president essentially quoted a Bill O'Reilly interview subject from a short moment prior. But in our hearts, we like to think it was WGN.

"It's a great plane. Really beautiful," Trump says of Air Force One. "Nice plane," he then adds after a long pause.

Northlake-based home improvement institution Empire Today began airing the classic jingle back in 1976; they added the 800 prefix in 2000 as the company expanded nationally.