You Can Pay Minimum $1,850-A-Month To Live In This Western Blue Line TOD
By Mae Rice in News on Jul 25, 2017 5:17PM
The rent in Chicago is still too damn high—and nowhere is it too-damn-higher than at the transit-oriented developments (TODs) popping up along the Blue Line, which have amenities like a retired CTA L car on the deck. (Because it's impossible to live comfortably without one of those.)
The latest Blue Line transit-oriented apartment development with high rents—even by TOD standards!—is the Western 1920, a 44-unit building leasing now at the intersection of Western and Milwaukee. Though the building's website doesn't list the prices of specific units, it will let you browse available units in a choice of two price ranges. One is $1,850-$2,450; the other, higher range is $2,500 to $3,500.
Dear god.
In exchange for that rent, though, residents will get some truly swank amenities. The building will have an in-house Starbucks, and a rooftop bocce court rendered in the surreal photo above, which is seemingly full of ghosts.
There will also be a screen in the lobby showing CTA arrival times—awesome during cold winters, should we ever have another one.
[H/T Curbed]