Hell No: Judge Throws Out Satanist's Lawsuit Against 'In God We Trust' Motto On Money
By Stephen Gossett in News on Oct 5, 2017 5:08PM
Getty Images / Photo: Hugh Pinney
The legal argument of a self-proclaimed satanist who challenged the placement of the "In God We Trust" adage on U.S. money does not hold currency, a judge ruled this week.
Federal Judge Amy St. Eve threw out a lawsuit brought forth by Chicagoan and Dark Lord devotee Kenneth Mayle, who argued that the motto violated the constitution, specifically that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion," and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. The judge ruled that the "In God We Trust" slogan isn't displayed prominently by people. Therefore "it can’t be said [people] forced to publicly advertise views that clash with theirs," according to the AP.
Newsweek notes that the "In God We Trust" motto began appearing on paper currency 60 years ago this month, on Oct. 1, 1957.
Mayle plans to appeal the ruling, according to the Chicago Daily Law Bulletin. Give 'em hell, Kenneth.
Satanist's challenge to 'In God We Trust' printed on U.S. currency 'didn't have a chance in hell of prevailing' https://t.co/qjyw7uHIgJ pic.twitter.com/2I245uHZIN
— Daily Law Bulletin (@CDLB) October 4, 2017
The first legal challenge to the use of the motto on U.S. currency came in 1970, in Aronow v. United States. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in the case:
"It is quite obvious that the national motto and the slogan on coinage and currency 'In God We Trust' has nothing whatsoever to do with the establishment of religion. Its use is of patriotic or ceremonial character and bears no true resemblance to a governmental sponsorship of a religious exercise. ...It is not easy to discern any religious significance attendant the payment of a bill with coin or currency on which has been imprinted 'In God We Trust' or the study of a government publication or document bearing that slogan.