The Chicagoist will be launching later but in the meantime please enjoy our archives.

Who We Really Are

By Rob Christopher in Arts & Entertainment on Nov 6, 2006 9:20PM

We don't know about you, but we're not really like most characters on TV: toothy grins, fabulous apartments, going to hangouts where everyone seems to know our name, and conveniently never getting charged for anything. Nope, we're apt to avoid the dentist out of fear or laziness, our apartment is substantially furnished with items found through dumpster diving, and we never seem to get that free drink we thought was imminent.

2006_11_mutual_apprec.jpgThat's why we're fond of the characters in an Andrew Bujalski film: inarticulate at times, plagued by round-the-clock bedhead, and not too sure about where life is headed. Mr. Bujalski does not care to take a high concept idea and shoot it on video; instead, he makes a film the painful old-fashioned way, on 16mm, and his characters shamble and carreen in messy, often confusing ways (you know, like real life).

So Chicagoist is very happy to announce a ticket giveaway for his new film Mutual Appreciation playing at the Music Box starting this Friday, November 10. We are offering 10 tickets for any screenings this Friday -Sunday.

Please email with Subject heading: "Chicagoist Ticket Giveaway" to enter the drawing. The 10 winners will receive an e-mail from our friends at Goodbye Cruel Releasing letting them know their tickets will be on hold at the Music Box.

Thanks, Goodbye Cruel Releasing!