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Early and Often Launches Video Site

By Kevin Robinson in News on Dec 7, 2010 2:30PM

Early and Often launched a video site yesterday, acknowledging, somewhat tongue in cheek, Devour as it's inspiration.

A collection of Chicago-centric political humor found on YouTube, campaign videos culled from sites and blogs, and news events germane to the upcoming aldermanic and mayoral elections, the site is being touted as a "curated selection" of the best video of Chicago politics.

With the rise of internet video and democratization of information, the availability of video from candidates and even grassroots movement at the ward level has grown. But in a city that has seen over 20 years of the same mayor, there is a dearth of campaign commercials from mayoral races. There is, however, a video document of a time in Chicago when the mayor's seat was open. Lynn Sweet, who covers politics for the Sun-Times put together a collection of about 45 campaign commercials from the 1983 mayor race. Whether the video curated by Early and Often will be put together and preserved for future municipal political watchers remains to be seen, but regardless of who wins, this election is certain to be historic.