There Is So Much Wrong Happening With This Parking Dibs Photo
By Chuck Sudo in News on Jan 13, 2015 4:00PM
Few Chicago traditions are as infuriating as claiming winter parking dibs. But we would at least expect the person saving his or her parking space to at least put in some sweat equity.
There is so much wrong with this photo taken in Pilsen, starting with the obvious: the driver didn't even bother to shovel out the space. A light dusting (and that's what this is) is not enough to claim dibs here.
Then there's the stuff actually used to claim the dibs. The uprooted stop sign is a nice touch and Streets and San likely won't get around to clearing it and/or returning it to its proper intersection until at least late spring. But the person claiming the dibs loses style points, may be in violation of several sections of the Chicago Municipal Code and is risking a growth in the rodent population for using trash for the stop sign to rest atop. The stop sign should be enough to save the parking space; the rest is overkill (and disgusting).
Remember, friends don't let friends claim dibs.
[H/T Reddit]