By Laura Oppenheimer in Food on Oct 15, 2007 2:04PM
Twenty new restaurants, including Chicagoist favorite Smoque, (chow pictured) were named Great Neighborhood Restaurants (GNR) today by our favorite (and the only) Chicago-based culinary discussion board, LTHForum. LTH members give the yearly awards to restaurants they believe "contribute to their neighborhoods' and the city's character by offering outstanding food, an authentic experience of their ethnic culture, and/or a welcoming (or in some cases, belovedly cranky) atmosphere for guests."
The GNRs are chosen in a sort of democratic, sort of not, type of system. People nominate restaurants on the discussion board, debate ensues, and then LTH moderators ultimately pick which restaurants will receive the designation. Joining Smoque on the list of newcomers are Vie, La Pasadita (strangely, only one of the three made the cut — anyone have an explanation?), Coalfire and a bunch of other places.
The complete list of all-time GNRs is also available on a helpful Google map.