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Obama to Trinity: Smell Ya Later

By Prescott Carlson in News on Jun 1, 2008 12:43PM

obamataco.jpgBarack Obama certainly doesn't need any more monkeys on his back while trying to lock up the presidential nomination and vanquish Hillary Clinton (a.k.a, The Black Knight) once and for all. So after Rev. Pfleger's stunt last Sunday, when Pfleger made disparaging remarks about Clinton as a guest speaker at Trinity United Church of Christ, Obama has decided to sever all ties with the church. About the move, Obama was quoted as saying, "This is not a decision I came to lightly, and frankly it's one that I make with some sadness."

Obama and wife Michelle sent a letter Friday to Wright's successor, the Rev. Otis Moss III: "Our relations with Trinity have been strained by the divisive statements of Reverend Wright, which sharply conflict with our own views."

" ... These controversies have served as an unfortunate distraction for other Trinity members who seek to worship in peace, and have placed you in an untenable position as you establish your own ministry under very difficult circumstances."

[S-T, Trib]

We'll take our presidential candidate con queso, por favor. Photo by rachelleb