Chicagoist's "Beer of the Week:" Lagunitas "Lucky 13" Mondo Red Ale
By Chuck Sudo in Food on Jul 9, 2008 6:00PM
A problem we have with Skylark a good one to have, mind you is that we've managed to work our way through their entire draft beer menu, save for the most recent additions. Last week while enjoying the grilled tuna sandwich (the address for Skylark is in the "One Great Sandwich" post that went up yesterday) we were equally blissed on the beer we were drinking.
Lagunitas doesn't get enough of the "BotW" love and there's no excuse for that. It's one of those breweries that's so consistent that we sometimes forget the high quality of their selections. We promise that one day Lagunitas' "Censored" will get the full-on "BotW" treatment. Today, however, we're looking at one of Lagunitas' seasonal selections. Their "Lucky 13," an anniversary release, is a full-bodied red ale fitting of the Bettie Page caricature gracing the tap handle. The best red ales find a pleasant balance between the sweet malt and floral hops. "Lucky 13" has both of those in spades, but it also has a good gravity (or weight) to it on the mouthfeel that we find lacking in other reds most likely attributed to the 8.3 percent ABV content.
You're gonna smell some slight alcohol burn on this beer, people. Don't let that frighten you; it just means that you have your hands on a great sipping beer. One that pairs really well with tuna, even. Skylark pours "Lucky 13" for $4.50 a pint. Readers who've seen it elsewhere should feel free to list where in the comments, as we like working our way through the city. It's a good red for your thirst. Lagunitas' "Lucky 13" Mondo Red Ale is Chicagoist's "Beer of the Week."