Spend a Few Bucks, Help Red Pandas F#%k
By Karl Klockars in Miscellaneous on Oct 21, 2009 6:40PM
In case you didn't know that the Lincoln Park Zoo' has a wishlist, they do - and among other things they need, they're respectfully requesting the funds to purchase some nest boxes to help their red pandas get it on in private. When that information crossed the desk of the Windy Citizen, editor Brad Flora and others jumped in and created the Lincoln Park Red Panda Sex Fund.
Utilizing the online donation service ChipIn, the donations are slowly creeping up toward the $326 mark that will get the zoo a couple boxes for the shy animals to get freaky without a bunch of prying eyes checking out their junk. Still no word on whether or not Molly ever got her Siberian Tiger freak on, but with the goodwill and freeing of wallets going toward the zoo, perhaps the positive vibes will get everyone's juices flowing.
UPDATE: Windy Citizen honcho Brad Flora just gave us the good news that the goal of $326 has been reached!