Extra, Extra
By Prescott Carlson in News on Jan 22, 2010 11:40PM
- Dan Hynes campaign for governor got a posthumous boost from the late Mayor Harold Washington -- who, it's worth noting, couldn't stand Hynes' father, Tom -- in a a new political ad which replays some not-so-glowing words Washington had for Gov. Pat Quinn, who Washington shitcanned in 1987.
- Two thousand Chicago Teamsters are gearing up to vote "yes" next week on authorizing a strike which would put an immediate stop to snow plowing and garbage pickup services. Sounds like a great plan since, you know, Mayor Daley doesn't want to privatize those services or anything.
- Weight loss specialist and constant talk radio advertising presence Dr. Gautum Gupta had his five Illinois clinics searched by the Feds yesterday.
- WGN's Allison Payne -- was she recovering from "ministrokes" or simply drunk?
- The Block 37 developer Joseph Freed and Associates, LLC, lost control of the project today after a judge ruled in favor of Bank of America, which has filed foreclosure on the site.
- Robert "Squirrel" Lester, founding member of the R&B group The Chi-Lites, has died of cancer at age 67. Honor Mr. Lester by issuing in your weekend with a smooth groove.