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Your Pre-Primary Non-Andy-Martin Political Advertising Update

By Karl Klockars in News on Feb 1, 2010 9:40PM

We've taken our shots at the Andy Martin campaign for their spots, but believe it or not, there's other outlandish and just plain awful political advertising out there. In an age where you've got programs like Garageband and Audacity and any number of other DIY audio and video (not to mention underemployed sound guys), it's hard to imagine that you could come up with spots that are just plain bad.

Our first runner-up is this spot from Dan Patlak, running for a spot on the Cook County Board of Review. Between the terrible acting, the literally phoned-in campaign screed and holes you could drive a freight train through you get one of the worst showings of this political silly season:

We thought the Patlak ad was going to take the cake, until we stumbled across this spot for Rickey "Hollywood" Hendon. Content aside, if your nickname is "Hollywood," can't you find some better voice actors? Part cartoon, part afternoon at the barber shop, via Progress Illinois (which calls it "AMAZING"), we give you the majesty of this spot. Is it more caricature, cartoon, or In Living Color sketch? It's too close to tell, but it certainly is something.

Of course, we haven't heard much about Mr. icephoenix23, aka Shaun Robertson from the mainstream press, but let's hope that at least a few write-in votes go his way. He deserves it, just for this dose of political awesomeness that had us all excited last fall:

Any spots we've missed that otherwise horrified you, based on content or production values? Let us know. They'll all be disappearing after tomorrow.

[And another H/T to The Awl.]