Update On Bucktown Bat Attack Victims
By Soyoung Kwak in News on May 9, 2010 4:15PM
The people behind the vicious attack against two females in Wicker Park-Bucktown this past April 23 have been caught and charged for their crime, but one of the victims remains in a serious condition while the other is attempting to recover and move on since the life-changing event. Natasha McShane, an Irish exchange student who was more severely injured in the attack, is showing some brain activity and came out of her coma on Friday. McShane's friend and the second victim, Stacy Jurich, made an appearance at Cans Bar and Canteen, which held a fundraiser in her honor in Bucktown on Saturday. Jurich, who is unable to walk, spent the night in a wheelchair.
Cans Bar and Canteen (which is two blocks away from where McShane and Jurich were attacked and robbed) held the fundraiser in order to help Jurich with her steep medical bills and to offer support during her road to recovery. A silent auction was part of the fundraiser, and the bar pledged to donate 15% of the silent auction sales to Jurich and her family. A fundraiser for McShane has been organized for June 4 at two different locations. Additionally, Chicago band The Lawrence Arms will hold a benefit concert for McShane and Jurich on May 19 at Subterranean.