Elsewhere in the Ist-a-Verse: California's History Will Be Gay
By Staff in News on Jul 10, 2011 9:00PM
It was a slow news week at Seattlest, which made celebrating the Washington native who won a leg of the Tour de France and mourning the loss of the state film incentive program all the more impactful. Meanwhile, local government leaders joined forces in order to create the sort of comprehensive jobs package that national leadership has so far been unable to deliver.
Bostonist reported on the shocking murder of an 18-year old girl from Wayland, allegedly commited by the victim's boyfriend. That story makes outrage over the news that CBS edited Boston's July 4th fireworks display in an unrealistic way seem insignificant.
SFist shared news that LGBT history will be added to California text books.
Chicagoist has aldermen who want to propose 8:30 p.m. curfews for kids 12 and under.
DCist’s week was a busy one for transit, as the city was welcomed back from the long weekend with escalator trouble; things got better later in the week, though, when Metro gave us a peek at the system’s shiny new trains and agreed to shorten the names of many stations.
LAist learned that the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said marijuana must remain classified as a dangerous drug along the same lines as heroin, MDMA, and PCP.
Shanghaiist has been wondering all week if former president Jiang Zemin is dead or not.
Gothamist was happy to hear a kitten survived being thrown from a car on the Verrazano Bridge and also learned where MTV’s original veejays are now.
Austinist interviewed hot local chef Josh Watkins, who, besides breaking preconceived ideas about hotel restaurants, also explodes hydrogen balloons.