The Right Way To Meme: Things Chicago Sports Fans Never Say
By Samantha Abernethy in Arts & Entertainment on Feb 15, 2012 5:20PM
We were careful not to steer into the "Shit ____ Say" meme storm, but we're breaking our rule. Technically this is a "things" not a "shit" (thanks for that), and a "never" instead of an "always". We're posting this "Things Chicago Sports Fans Never Say" because it has the attention to detail that the two versions of "Shit Chicagoans Say" videos lacked.
Those two videos came across more like "Shit Fresh College Grads Who Live in Lakeview Say" and "Shit People from the Far Northwest Side Say." Both of those videos were rushed to capitalize on a trend that was cooling down by the time they decided to throw them together, and all they did is show how different the city is from one street to the next, too complex to be distilled into a 2-minute clip.
The video below is more successful because it has a narrow focus and covers all of Chicago's sports teams easily. Give it a watch and let us know if you agree.
And yeah, we do wish Ozzie would've spoken his mind once in a while.