The Chicagoist will be launching later but in the meantime please enjoy our archives.
Today's Weather: Cideriffic
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Michael Reese Hospital Buildings To Be Razed By Year-End
United Unveils Oprah Plane
DuPage State's Attorney Birkett Moves To Appellate Court
Weis Strikes Solomonic Compromise on New Police Age Minimums
Morning Box Score: Hawks Fall To Devils' Trap
Today's Weather: November Rain
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Arizona Voters OK Funding For New Cubs Spring Training Compound
Today's Weather: Red Dawn
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Psych Evaluation Requested for NIU Slaying Suspect
Today's Weather: Democratic
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Harold Washington Cultural Center Facing "Hostile Takeover"
Suspicious Call Shuts Down Columbia College Building
In Case You Missed It: The Best of the Weekend Posts
Mayoral News Roundup: Vote Plaster Caster
Parking Meter Challenges Abound
Elsewhere in the Ist-A-Verse
Morning Box Score: Hawks Win, Bulls Win, College FB Roundup
Local Synagogues on High Alert Following Bombing Dry Run
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